Un-gadget yourself

4 min readAug 28, 2020

Binging shows on Netflix, scrolling Instagram, endless conference calls over skype, late-night chats on WhatsApp. this is nothing but our daily life, in a nutshell, our digital time has increased to a huge extent with us realizing what drastic effects it can have on our functioning.

Do you realize the innovations and advancements in technology are ruining you?
We are covered with tech be it in the form of mobile band earphones, clothing, backpack, bands, watches, and our phones.
I acknowledge that it’s important and this is the new normal
But hey, there’s a cut

Even though you are in a job where having a phone in hand is a must, you can still do away with most of your gadgets.

Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

The problem

I’ll address the present COVID crisis, everything is online now, even after 3 years of demonetization companies were trying to pull a lot of their costumers\users online but they couldn’t, and due to the present crisis everything be it willingly or forcefully is online and all the operations related to it are digital.

Boredom sucks! who wants to be bored all day, doing nothing, dwelling in thoughts, but killing boredom with a phone isn’t an option, using a phone to do away with a bad feeling is just like ignoring some event that is destined to be nor matter what.

We often don’t realize this, we are crumbling and these social media companies are making all the money, now we are hardly read something

We need small packets of dopamine and we crave it every minute, keeping our phone down is as hard as reading a book.

Photo by Fabiola Peñalba on Unsplash


Getting rid of social media can be as difficult as getting over an ex.

If you want to fix this you have to first admit that you are neck-deep drowning in this sea of social media, I was into social media until I finally started realizing that it is de-escalating my productivity.

so here are a few things I did to get rid of phones and gadgets in general.

social media detox — do away with all your social media apps, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc for a while,(she’s not gonna text you anyway) this will force you to crave something for your dopamine, so you can focus on things that are adding up more to something that’ll benefit you in the future.

Re-scheduling — rescheduling may sound old school but is very beneficial, rescheduling your work time, designate a time for your daily work, and then use your remaining time for social media or your phone.

charge your phone in the next room- usually, we charge our phone next to our bed and end up using it the whole day or night, a simple trick to fix this is to charge your phone in the next room or some other socket just make sure it shouldn’t be near your bed(just like your ex-girlfriend)

fitness bands-using a fitness band during this pandemic is just like having spider man in avengers infinity war, it’s of no use plus you have to bear the burden, now I am not just talking about phones fitness bands also can capture our eyeballs and we are distracted by the same- we can fix that by removing it, we aren’t going to the gym in this pandemic so why do we need that

learn a new hobby- just make sure it’s not on the internet, when was the last time you picked up the guitar that you bought from amazon thinking I’ll learn this, maybe this is the last time, try cooking, try Rubik’s cube, anything that gets you social validations, look up for what interests you, it will keep your dopamine level high too.

make a routine — just make a routine, sleep on time, don’t let your phone force you to stalk your ex-girlfriend on Linked in at 2 AM, she’ll get a notification, that you visited her profile.

Read a book- yeah, I am not high, I might sound like your dad but here’s a fact, reading a book before sleeping is way better than binging Netflix or using social media, at least you will sleep properly.

Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

I know it is not easy to push yourself to leave social media completely during this pandemic and the ball is definitely not in your court but you can passively reduce the usage and focus on things that will add up to your productivity rather than scrolling through the feeds leaving everything aside.




writer, student, storyteller, I write better when the lights go off.